Tuesday, 29 July 2008

good place, bad place

Today is one of those days when being transgendered is one of the last things i'm thinking about. I find myself in a day in which really good things are happening and at the same time really bad things are happening.

On the good side: last night the three member team i'm a part of was interviewed regarding a proposal we've made. We were with about 30 people and we were a hit!! It went so well. I think we've got it done. We are going to be invited to do the job and that is exciting. It's exciting because it will mean doing something new and because it paves the way for my return to the profession i occupied when i was in guy mode, a profession i really loved.

On the bad side: a friend of mine did some really bad things to another friend and so had to move out. He is staying with me in my tiny apartment (sleeping on the floor). Today i find out that there were more things he did and didn't tell her about. Plus it turns out that the problem may be much older than i thought at first. And it seems to me that he has not acknolwledged the serverity of the problem at all. This seem to be a classic case of denial of addictive behavior.

That's the good and the bad and i hope it doesn't get ugly.

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